Life in Durango

Living in Durango Colorado, Animus River, cost of living, Colorado Photos, Durango housing costs, Colorado life, Shopping Durango, Durango Shopping, Durango Jobs,

  What can we say about living in Durango Colorado, It's Great! No question about it. If you like hills, hiking, fishing, mountain biking, skiing and snow boarding, you wouldn't want to be anywhere else.

  What can you expect living here:

  Cost of Living;

  We found that it cost  to get established here, be aware that if you plan on moving to Durango you can expect to pay 3x the monthly electrical bill as a deposit, Electricity as far as for heating should be avoided, not a problem during the summer, it's the winters that would be tough, also avoid oil stoves in your home or residence.

Finding transportation

  Looking for a car, there are several descent car dealers for "slightly used" cars, the Durango Herald is probably your best bet for "autos under $1000", but let the buyer beware if you buy used, a test drive into the hills is the best test of a car here.

Rent & Housing

  Rent in Durango Colorado will run you anywhere from $325.00 per month to as much as $1200 depending on how lavishly you want to live, Housing is rather easy to find, the only problem you may find is that there is a large influx of college people the latter part of September.
  Link to the Durango Herald Classifieds  Just click to go to their main page.

Durango Job Market

  The Durango job market is a tough one if you have a skilled or technical background then you can expect to find a descent living here, if you do not have a real skill, be aware, Durango is a tough place to make a descent living. an unskilled general labor worker can expect to find anywhere from $5.95 to $8.00 per hour. If your heading to Durango be prepared.
Link here to the Durango Herald classifieds  click here. As with the rental scene after September when there is a big influx of college people count on jobs to go down radically.

The People of Durango

  There's no way that you can possibly even begin to describe the people here, probably the most friendly people we think that we have ever met. you can expect to find a diverse culture, with a surrealistic and care-free lifestyle, there are allot of artisans, and really down to earth people.

Groceries & Food

  Since Durango has most of the social amenities, from Blockbuster to Wal-Mart shopping is an odd thing, You can get better Baby Back Ribs at City Market, then elsewhere, But you can Save By shopping Large at Wal-Mart..Odd, Well even still, you save an average of..Oh Say..10% over for instance Minnesota.

Getting Around Durango

  If your looking for a cab in Durango, don't expect Yellow, or Checker, but instead look for Durango Transportation, and the Durango Lift, and the downtown trolley, which makes its rounds about every 20 minutes, we will add photos and links to route information and rates soon.

Seasonal Effects

  Durango Colorado suffers economically from SAD's, it seems that during the fall prior to the snow fall (which attracts the ski influence), Durango goes into a job sleep. That is, businesses have a
tendency to start laying off or cutting back their job forces, so if you work retail i.e.; hotel/ motel, resort, dude ranch etc. Please beware, They say, "if you want to be a Millionaire in Durango, move here with 2 Million.

Work Rate and Pay

  Durango has plenty of jobs, but it would seem that the rate of pay for standard work force, food service, retail, doesn't pay that well, At the same time the cost of living is proportional or lower then some places.

What Bank to Choose

  It's not always necessary to choose a bank, and there are no end to the choices that you have.

There is the Bank of Colorado, Wells Fargo, which used to be Norwest, 1st National of Durango,
The Bank of Durango, but anyway, we chose one of these and we must say the service is excellent and there was no hassle about getting a small account opened, getting ATM cards, and on-line banking and automated phone service.

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